(October 26, 2013)

Towards the end of 2012, we put up a fundraiser for building ‘Sarang Rural University’. Many people promised support, some donated money, some spent a few days working with us, many spread the word, helped us with various equipment, contacts and many boosted our morale simply with their good words and smiles.

Gautham and Anuradha have been the basic team, with a couple of friends helping now and then. Luckily, a group of hardworking youngsters could be hired from the neighbourhood for help. We received a total of INR 1,53,000 financial contribution. Though we cannot quantify the time and labour put in by us or our friends, we are putting up a list of quantifiable investment that has already been done. As you can see from the table, we’ve tried to spread out most of the investment in the neighbourhood as wages. Do check out the pictures of the work too. The website will keep you updated on continuing work and how you can join hands.

Once again thank you for the support and please be with us in all the work ahead!

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