An all-in-one, printer, scanner, copier; has been on our wishlist for a year now! Around 5000 transparencies (old slides) are slowly getting damaged at Sarang. These need to be urgently scanned for much of the early history of Sarang lies in these. And as our activities expand, printing and copying needs also do. It’s becoming pretty expensive to get it done in a shop.

With some extra work in the last couple of months, we’ve been able to save enough for the machine we wanted. View the specifications here. In a couple of days, we’ll purchase it from Coimbatore! Will put up a picture afterwards.

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<p>Ever thought about how great it would be to have a turn-key Group Deals website, like Groupon? We have great news!  GetShopped, in conjunction with Zao, is releasing the premier WordPress Group Deals plugin.  We’ve got a very beta release ready to ship. Some of the awesome features include
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