We learn the basics of democracy in our family. We have a general body meeting in the evening and next day’s schedule is decided there. One team will be in charge of running the show, while the others help them to do it. This team keep on changing week to week.  Generally speaking our schedule goes as follows.

We start our day around 5 AM. Breathing exercise will be followed by music practice.  Cooking, cleaning the premises, washing, bathing etc will be over by around 9 AM.  Classes are arranged from 9.30AM onwards. Whoever doesn’t class will stay home and practice, read, write or get engaged in some activities.

In the evening we keep a lighted lamp outside the house (A tradition)   After bathing, cooking and dinner we gather for the general body meeting where we will evaluate the day.  We include movies, early morning outings on bicycles, special classes, learning new songs, compositions and other activities in our schedule every now and then. Everyone keeps a journal. In the general body the journal is read. Selected journal entries go to the weekly newsletter.