30 years of learning.
2nd generation of Sarang family taking a step towards the dream rural university.
3rd generation taking first steps on the Sarang hills.
It is Sarang 1983 – 2013, version 3 point zero!

Started as a basic school, Sarang has been growing into a rural university over the years. The basic school aimed at the academically weak drop outs. However, the realisation of true education being the practice of life, more solutions were sought.

Today we have a diverse array of time -tested sustainable solutions for the common man.This includes watershed management, natural farming, low cost construction, bio-diversity conservation, live fencing against forest fire, energy, health, platform for trans-cultural dialogue etc to name a few.

At Sarang children and adults learn and promote these simple solutions so that they are kept alive for the future. Education at Sarang is for everyone. It is learning to live and let live. Looking back, its a miracle that we survived all these years adhering to our simple practical theories. The support from our friends and well wishers has been our fuel all these years. Marking the completion of 30 years of our journey, we are beginning the work towards the dream rural university.