
Gautham Sarang (28) is the only child who could go through Sarang’s curriculum continuously. He has traveled extensively as part of his studies and handles six languages with ease. He has worked as a contract labourer, photographer, milkman, taxi driver, blacksmith, percussionist, actor, skilled labourer, web designer, and project coordinator, as part of his education and to support the large Sarang family. Anuradha  completes him. Their marriage was a simple function.  Visit their wedding site at

Sarang was conceived and developed around Gautham. The Sarang couple learned and unlearned many things observing him growing up. As a young child, Gautham had the opportunity to interact with people from different walks of life. He learnt by observing, imitating and analyzing all that came across his path.

At the age of 7, he surprised his parents by deciding to participate in the 100-day march to “Save Western Ghats”. Along the way, he wrote down his observations on environmental destruction, proving that children are capable of empathizing with their surroundings.
Gautham and Anuradha are working hard to take Sarang to the future under the guidance of Gopalakrishnan and Vijayalekshmi.