Help us in getting an iMac!

(This campaign is closed. We raised INR 47,000 in this campaign from various sources. Currently we are trying to make the balance amount from our work. )

We are trying a small fund raising campaign for buying an iMac for editing the short films we create for learning film making and awareness programs. Visit this link to know more about the campaign and to contribute.



Pressed mud block machine

At Sarang, we use non-baked pressed  mud blocks for all our constructions.  We currently have a mud block machine that makes small mud blocks.  We need one that makes 12″x6″x4″ mud blocks.  These bigger blocks are easier to make and build.

A jeep like vehicle

We spend around INR 5,000 a month for our students’ travel. The nine students travel from Sarang hills to the cultural center once in a week for their art classes.  We are ready to pay this amount as installments for a vehicle, if there is such a way of financing it. We have Mahindra Bolero in mind, since the road that we are talking about is rough and high-range.

LCD Projector (Offer received)

Ultimately for one of our dream ventures of traveling around Kerala, talking to people about education. Otherwise for the camps and interactive sessions that we conduct often.

LCD Projector (Offer received)

Ultimately for one of our dream ventures of traveling around Kerala, talking to people about education. Otherwise for the camps and interactive sessions that we conduct often.

Laptop (Received)

Mash, as Gopalakrishnan is called by most people, is writing a novel weaving the socio-ecological issues in Attappady into a thriller. To save time on writing each draft by hand and correcting and rewriting, we thought a laptop would be apt for him. The children of Sarang have learnt to use the internet to study about various subjects of their interest.

Since, there is no running electricity at Saranghills, a laptop with battery backup was needed for these and many other uses. We were saving up to buy a basic utilitarian model when Mr Joby from Chalakkudy gifted us this amazing laptop, the Acer Extensa! It was a very timely and generous gift.

As soon as the old battery of the solar power system is replaced, Saranghills will be equipped with high speed internet which can be used for basic purposes.

Laptop (Received)

Mash, as Gopalakrishnan is called by most people, is writing a novel weaving the socio-ecological issues in Attappady into a thriller. To save time on writing each draft by hand and correcting and rewriting, we thought a laptop would be apt for him. The children of Sarang have learnt to use the internet to study about various subjects of their interest.

Since, there is no running electricity at Saranghills, a laptop with battery backup was needed for these and many other uses. We were saving up to buy a basic utilitarian model when Mr Joby from Chalakkudy gifted us this amazing laptop, the Acer Extensa! It was a very timely and generous gift.

As soon as the old battery of the solar power system is replaced, Saranghills will be equipped with high speed internet which can be used for basic purposes.

All-in-one : printer, scanner, copier (Bought)

An all-in-one, printer, scanner, copier; has been on our wishlist for a year now! Around 5000 transparencies (old slides) are slowly getting damaged at Sarang. These need to be urgently scanned for much of the early history of Sarang lies in these. And as our activities expand, printing and copying needs also do. It’s becoming pretty expensive to get it done in a shop.

With some extra work in the last couple of months, we’ve been able to save enough for the machine we wanted. View the specifications here. In a couple of days, we’ll purchase it from Coimbatore! Will put up a picture afterwards.

<div id=”coloumns”>
<p>Ever thought about how great it would be to have a turn-key Group Deals website, like Groupon? We have great news!  GetShopped, in conjunction with Zao, is releasing the premier WordPress Group Deals plugin.  We’ve got a very beta release ready to ship. Some of the awesome features include
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All-in-one : printer, scanner, copier (Bought)

An all-in-one, printer, scanner, copier; has been on our wishlist for a year now! Around 5000 transparencies (old slides) are slowly getting damaged at Sarang. These need to be urgently scanned for much of the early history of Sarang lies in these. And as our activities expand, printing and copying needs also do. It’s becoming pretty expensive to get it done in a shop.

With some extra work in the last couple of months, we’ve been able to save enough for the machine we wanted. View the specifications here. In a couple of days, we’ll purchase it from Coimbatore! Will put up a picture afterwards.

<div id=”coloumns”>
<p>Ever thought about how great it would be to have a turn-key Group Deals website, like Groupon? We have great news!  GetShopped, in conjunction with Zao, is releasing the premier WordPress Group Deals plugin.  We’ve got a very beta release ready to ship. Some of the awesome features include
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