JW rotator : how to customise the error message

“The Flash Player and a browser with Javascript support are needed..”

If you have installed the NextGen gallery and activated slideshow, at least once you must have came across this error message. Especially with Internet Explorer, you are sure to get this error message.  If you have a slow internet connection, you are likely to get this error message till the flash part get loaded.

I wanted a tweak to replace that error message with an image. I googled and googled, with no positive results.  I figured it out myself.  I am no expert in these. Naturally I don’t know whether there is an easier way.  I thought maybe it will be useful for others.

Here it is:

Find ngfunctions.php in your wordpress folder/wp-content/plugins/nextgengallery

Go to the 37th line :

$swfobject->message = ‘<p>’. __(‘The <a href=”http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer”>Flash Player</a> and <a href=”http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/”>a browser with Javascript support</a> are needed..’, ‘nggallery’).‘</p>’;

You can change the message here. Not just text. I actually put an image. I changed the code from this to :

$swfobject->message =. __(‘<img src=”http://keystone.mathew.webfactional.com/wp-content/gallery/home-page/re1.jpg” >’, ‘nggallery’).”;

As you can see, I replaced the message with an image. So if there is no javascript and flash installed, it will not show the error message. Instead it will show an image. It works fine for me. The site is still under development. You can see the present status here.

Where is the search button

I was wondering how can I edit the default search button in the wordpress theme. I searched for an answer, but didn’t find a good one. All I wanted to do was to remove the ‘search for’ label near the search bar.  Ha! I couldn’t find that piece of code. Finally I did a search through an original wordpress download. There I found my answer in wp-includes/general-template.php on line 125.  I changed the <label for=”s”>’ . __(‘Search for :‘) . ‘</label> into <label for=”s”>’ . __(”) . ‘</label>

Thought I should share this with everyone, since this might be helpful for many like me, who are not graduated in WordPress.

Place image in MS word : Tutorial 1

You must have cracked your head thinking how to place an image exactly where you want the image to be on MS word. Let me show you a very simple technique to fix this.

[singlepic id=14 w=120 h=100 float=] Select picture to insert (Insert > Picture > From File. Just in case you don’t know it)  Click on the picture.

[singlepic id=17  w=120 h=100 float=] click on a text box while the image is selected.

    If you don’t see this ‘Dawing tool bar’ then look for this customisedown arrow on your menu bar. Click on it to go to the ‘customise settings’ customise2

Now click on the ‘text box’ [singlepic id=19 w=120 h=100 float=] That’s it!  Now you can drag around this image wherever you want!  The margins or tabs will not affect your image anymore!

Here is the final result! [singlepic id=21 w=120 h=100 float=left]


(Now you can remove the border by selecting ‘No Line’ from the Drawing toolbar)

We undertake a few, selected web designing projects each year.  We have designed web sites for artists, organizations, companies and individuals from different walks of life. Our specialty is in understanding the concept behind the person, organization or company, and creating a site that fits their profile best.

Our web designs are very light since we use only CSS and HTML  with a minimum of JavaScript and Flash. Light designs load faster in the browser and the waiting time for the user is very less.

Do you have a site that needs a face-lift? Or do you have a design in mind, but don’t know the complex HTML jargon? We might be able to help you!  After playing with CMS like Modx and Joomla we find that WordPress is the best for everyone. If you want a web site that can be updated as easily as a blog we can do that for you with the help of WordPress.

  • We undertake a few, selected web designing projects each year.  We have designed web sites for artists, organizations, companies and individuals from different walks of life. Our specialty is in understanding the concept behind the person, organization or company, and creating a site that fits their profile best.

    Our web designs are very light since we use only CSS and HTML  with a minimum of JavaScript and Flash. Light designs load faster in the browser and the waiting time for the user is very less.

    Do you have a site that needs a face-lift? Or do you have a design in mind, but don’t know the complex HTML jargon? We might be able to help you!  After playing with CMS like Modx and Joomla we find that WordPress is the best for everyone. If you want a web site that can be updated as easily as a blog we can do that for you with the help of WordPress.